Hollow Tine Coring - Part of a soil exchange program. Cores are pulled from the turf area and replaced with a suitable topdressing material, altering the soil profile. Hollow coring also helps with the removal of thatch, improved air, water and nutrient exchange.
Solid Tining - No cores are pulled, reducing the clean-up and recovery time. Great for mid-season compaction relief. Late fall aeration, leaving the holes open to aid water runoff in the spring. This is great for sports fields that just need to open the soil up.
Verti-Drain - Shatters the soil to create multiple fractures in the hardpan layer. This is accomplished through a heaving action in which the tines are forced backwards and underground. The fractures in the soil created by the shattering effect, permit air and water to move freely. Verti-Drain can accommodate both solid and hollow core tines.
Deep-Tine We are the most competitive deep-tine aeration service in the Atlantic Provinces. If you have never had or can not remember the last time you had the golf course / sports field deep-tined, this is the year to have it done ! Contact Atlantic Aeration today for a free quote.
Sports Fields
Lawn Bowling
Commercial & Residential Properties No property is too small or large, call today for an estimate.
Solid Tining - No cores are pulled, reducing the clean-up and recovery time. Great for mid-season compaction relief. Late fall aeration, leaving the holes open to aid water runoff in the spring. This is great for sports fields that just need to open the soil up.
Verti-Drain - Shatters the soil to create multiple fractures in the hardpan layer. This is accomplished through a heaving action in which the tines are forced backwards and underground. The fractures in the soil created by the shattering effect, permit air and water to move freely. Verti-Drain can accommodate both solid and hollow core tines.
Deep-Tine We are the most competitive deep-tine aeration service in the Atlantic Provinces. If you have never had or can not remember the last time you had the golf course / sports field deep-tined, this is the year to have it done ! Contact Atlantic Aeration today for a free quote.
Sports Fields
Lawn Bowling
Commercial & Residential Properties No property is too small or large, call today for an estimate.